Hi, my name is Vik 👋

I'm a frontend developer, UI designer, and photographer. I am currently working on personal projects and learning new technologies. I'm also a student at Maasai Mara University, studying Computer Science.
I make a living by working on freelance projects and photoshoots. I'm passionate about building products that are accessible, inclusive, and delightful to use.

Me speaking on stage at React Summit about the future of Next.js
Me at church posing for a photo
Me and Guillermo Rauch on stage for Vercel Ship, answering questions from the Next.js community
Me, Lydia, and Delba filming the Next.js Conf keynote
My being overly jumpy during a photoshoot
Me standing on stage at SmashingConf giving a talk about my optimism for the web

In as much as I love tech, my heart goes out to those few things that really make life worth living. Talk about Love, relationships, psychology and philosophy. Tech to me is just a tool to make a difference in my life and the lives of others. That's why I have this blog.

While I can't promise to have all the answers you are looking for, I hope that whatever I share will be helpful and worth your time. I'm always open to feedback and suggestions, so feel free to reach out to me on social media.

I want to write more about my journey and share what I've learned. So if you're interested in frontend development, UI design, photography, or just want to follow along, consider subscribing to my newsletter.